Friday, September 28, 2007


Yesterday, like several other days, I went to bed without electricity; but that particularly is not the angle where the pain is most. It's in having to look around me and seeing, a sizeable few moving around in total affluence, while majority wallow in penury. The other day, our madam speaker was reported to have requested for a N98 million body messaging machine, to be paid for from the government coffers. Though she was denied, but the intention was made. That is the stuff our leaders are made of.

How many of such unholy intentions were actualized at the expense of majority of Nigerians screaming for basic necessities of life? I was speaking the other day with a friend from Atlanta about the gory state of "lack" that Nigerians found themselves, and he just could not understand why we have not risen to challenge the status quo. Could it be that simple? In a situation where the rule of law is just another word as several, sitting in the Nigerian Constitution, with little regard to its implementation? Political assassinations, banditry and police brutality has become part of life.

To the majority of poor Nigerians, the most important factor is food. We've been reduced to wild animals, forced to act first and think afterwards, so long as such actions will bring food. Haven't anyone yet pause to think why all these vices reported against Nigerians continued unabated? Hunger is the driving force; some needed the money to pay for security and other necessities of life.

In such a savagery situation, how does one begin to mobilize people to rise against this decay? Wouldn’t it have been best for the government to live up to its expectations even by half, by providing basic necessities, such as electricity, water, good roads, rule of law, etc? By so doing, it will win over the patriotism of its national and by extension bring them to justices when they erred.

As a Nigerian, I love this country, but even love itself has limit. No love will subsist on an empty stomach; and all loves require a fertile land to be nurtured on; a State filled with rancor and lawlessness cannot expect love to thrive in it.

Nigerians out there, can we join forces to better this country please. Contributing your views or misgivings with the state of affairs, this can also help in creating awareness amongst us, which will possibly move us into action.